Saturday 19 april at 20:30

Not every risk can be a success

  • Cultural
  • One man Show / One woman show
Théâtre Palais Stéphanie, JW Marriott Cannes, 50 boulevard de la Croisette, BP 224, 06400 Cannes
Please note that the nearest station is more than
a funny, intimate story in which the actress radiates naturalness and that inimitable freshness that so endeared her to audiences when she was a presenter.
This popular presenter who left television to dedicate herself to a career as an actress is back before the public with an exciting "one-woman show" in which she reveals her life story. With great humour, she tenderly evokes the obstacles she has faced to follow her dreams and see her choices through, despite the risks, failures and what others may think…

Here, she offers us an original stage performance that draws us in like a warm embrace: an real, energising "feel good".


CAT. 1 Full: €30 / Reduced: €27 / Carte liberté: €25 / Subscriber: €23 / Young people under 26: €21

CAT. 2 Full: €24 / Reduced: €22 / Carte liberté: €20 / Young people under 26: €17

Opening times

On 19 April 2025
  • 20:30


alessandra sublet
alessandra sublet
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Not every risk can be a success
Théâtre Palais Stéphanie, JW Marriott Cannes, 50 boulevard de la Croisette, BP 224, 06400 Cannes
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Contact Not every risk can be a success
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Spoken languages
  • French
Updated on 05 August 2024 at 11:07
by SEMEC - Office de Tourisme de Cannes
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