Training policy

Training HR DepartmentTraining HR Department
©Training HR Department|Palais des Festivals Cannes

Our professional training policy represents a genuine investment in the future of le Palais des Festivals et des Congrès by constantly developing the professionalism of each and every member of its teams. To this end, we have set up a skills development plan aimed at revealing and strengthening the know-how and qualifications of our employees. In compliance with the law for the freedom to choose one’s professional future, we are committed to offering equitable opportunities for access to training and professional development to all our employees.

We reveal talent

Our professional training policy enables all employees to maintain, update, develop, perfect and acquire new skills and knowledge to adapt to a constantly changing environment.

We reveal talents from all horizons to positively transform our company.

The training must therefore meet the clearly identified requirements and needs of the company, as well as the wishes of employees.

The development plan


In this sense, the skills development plan is astrategic tool. It does not represent a simple addition of individual requests, but the culmination of a process of arbitration according to priorities.

It is the operational translation of the training policy that links the various players concerned: General Management, Human Resources Management, department managers, requesting employees and finally the staff representative bodies.

Therefore, it is the fruit of 5 axes of needs identification:

  • Company strategic objectives set by General Management
  • Individual employee wishes
  • Provisional management of jobs and skills
  • Annual appraisal and progress interviews
  • Professional interviews

This plan drawn up annually is the strategic instrument for increasing the skills of our employees, a vital development for the organization and the women and men who make it up.

It incorporates changes in market mechanisms, digitalization and diversification of our training methods, individualized training paths and on-the-job training.

The law for

The freedom to choose one's professional future

In addition, the loi “pour la liberté de choisir son avenir professionnel” of September 5, 2018, known as the “Loi avenir“, has thoroughly reformed the system we knew before.

The main issues at stake are:

  • Enabling companies and working people to adapt to the profound transformation of professions (accelerating risk of skills obsolescence, digital transformation…).
  • Continue the dynamic transformation of the labor market by “thoroughly” renovating the vocational training and apprenticeship system (rights, contribution, governance…).
  • Take into account changes in apprenticeship modalities while guaranteeing the quality of the training offer.