Cannes Urban Trail

  • Sports and leisure
  • Competitive sport
  • Various sports
Cannes, 06400 Cannes
Please note that the nearest station is more than
7th Cannes Urban Trail.
Beach, stairs, paths, road, funicular, come and discover breathtaking views between the mountains on one side, the bay of Cannes and the Lérins islands on the other: MAGIC!

The starts and finishes will be judged in the vicinity of the Palais des Festivals in Cannes. The proposed courses in 2023 are :

The GRAND CANNOIS is a 26.5 km course with 500m of D+ and 500m of D-, timed course open to people born in 2003 or before.

The CANNES URBAN TRAIL is a 16 km course with 330m of D+ and...

Opening times

On 26 January 2025


cannes urban trail
cannes urban trail
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Cannes Urban Trail
Cannes, 06400 Cannes
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Contact Cannes Urban Trail
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Updated on 16 October 2024 at 15:35
by SEMEC - Office de Tourisme de Cannes
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